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Charging Technology

Understanding Internal Vehicle Data in Electric Vehicles


March 6, 2024

Understanding Internal Vehicle Data

Internal vehicle data refers to a treasure trove of information critical for the seamless operation and efficient management of vehicles. Telematics systems, equipped with sensors strategically positioned throughout the vehicle, serve as the primary facilitators of this data collection process. These sensors, ranging from those embedded in tires to those monitoring engine performance and various components, continuously gather essential information. From fuel consumption and tire pressure to engine diagnostics, this wealth of data forms the backbone of real-time monitoring and analysis within the vehicle's communication network.

The significance of internal vehicle data extends beyond operational efficiency. It serves as a valuable resource for fleet managers and vehicle owners alike, offering insights that drive informed decision-making. By integrating telematics data with cloud-based platforms like those used for smart charging, stakeholders gain remote access to comprehensive information about their vehicles' performance, location, and health. This accessibility enables proactive maintenance scheduling, optimization of fuel efficiency, and the enhancement of overall fleet management efficiency.

Telematics Devices: Past, Present, and Future

The evolution of telematics devices mirrors the rapid advancements witnessed in the automotive industry, particularly in the domain of electric vehicles and smart charging solutions. In the past, third-party providers played a pivotal role by offering hardware solutions tailored to gather and transmit data crucial for optimizing EV operations. These external devices provided insights into battery status, charging rates, and energy consumption, empowering fleet managers and EV owners to remotely monitor and manage their vehicles' charging processes.

However, as EV adoption surged and vehicle manufacturers recognized the paramount importance of real-time data for enhancing performance and efficiency, a paradigm shift occurred. Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) began embedding advanced telemetry directly into EVs, eliminating the need for external hardware. This embedded telemetry offers comprehensive insights into various facets of EV operation, including battery health, charging patterns, and vehicle diagnostics, all seamlessly integrated into the vehicle's architecture.

Looking towards the future, telematics devices in EVs are poised to undergo further sophistication. By leveraging advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms, telematics-integrated smart charging software, like Ampcontrol, predicts charging demands, optimizes energy usage, and seamlessly integrates with smart grid technologies. This evolutionary leap promises to revolutionize the charging process for electric fleets, rendering them more intelligent, efficient, and environmentally sustainable than ever before.

What Kind of Data is Available with Telematics?

Through telematics, a plethora of vehicle information becomes readily available, empowering fleet managers to make data-driven decisions. From current location and fuel consumption to diagnostic codes and battery status, the scope of available data is vast. This comprehensive monitoring and management of EV fleets enable fleet managers to optimize vehicle readiness, minimize asset downtime, streamline depot operations, and lower energy costs.

Integrating vehicle telemetry with charging software unlocks even greater potential. Fleet managers can make informed decisions regarding charging schedules, maximize charger utilization, and optimize energy delivery based on factors such as time-of-use rates and vehicle charging needs. Ultimately, telematics and energy management serve as linchpins in achieving significant cost savings and operational efficiency in EV fleet management.


In conclusion, the era of internal vehicle data, facilitated by advanced telematics systems, has ushered in a new age of vehicle management and operation, especially for electric fleets. From real-time monitoring and analysis to predictive insights and seamless integration with charging infrastructure, vehicle data plays a pivotal role in driving efficiency, safety, and sustainability within the automotive industry. As technology continues to evolve, the potential for leveraging internal vehicle data to optimize fleet management processes will only continue to grow, shaping the future of mobility in profound ways. To learn more about telematics and how Ampcontrol leverages vehicle data to significantly improve charger uptime and decrease fueling costs, check out Ampcontrol’s on-demand telematics webinar. 

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Telematics, Electric Fleet Telematics, Monitoring EV Chargers
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